Important milestone: 1000 wind turbines with lidar-assisted control

We are very proud to announce that Goldwind already installed 1000 turbines with a total capacity around 3 GW using the EFARM LiDAR Assisted Control Technology developed together with sowento (by end of 2020).

In future projects, we aim at

  • making the lidar data processing more adaptive using our Smart Lidar concept,
  • optimizing the wind turbine performance with model predictive control,
  • and to let the forward-looking wind turbines cooperate with each other using data-based wind farm control.

About sowento

sowento is an engineering consultancy and technology advisor, with its main business fields in wind energy applications, more specific lidar technology, floating wind, and wind farm simulation and control applications. The strength of sowento is its profound theoretical knowledge in both lidar and floating platforms which are highly relevant for future wind turbine systems. sowento staff includes engineers from control, aerospace and offshore engineering.

About Goldwind

Founded in 1998, Goldwind is committed to becoming a leader of clean energy and energy conservation and environmental protection solutions around the globe. Goldwind has nearly 9,000 employees around the world, including 2,000+ R&D engineers and technicians. With over 40,000 turbines, Goldwind has become a world leader with more than 73GW of installed capacity. Today, Goldwind’s wind turbines globally are helping the human society to save 45.53 million tons of standard coal, reduce 149.44 million tons of CO2 emission and achieve 82 million cubic meters of reforestation.

Press desk

Contact information

Steffen Raach –

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sowento experts are available to discuss your specific request and tailor our service offer to your needs. Continuously, we expand our knowhow to be able to provide every project with the best mix of expert knowledge and industrial experience.
Get in touch with Steffen to discuss your needs.

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