Integrated Design and Optimization

The novel floating wind technology is progressing continuously along the learning curve. With our efficient reduced-order system simulation toolbox, we are able to represent efficiently the overall system dynamics for all types of substructures. We perform coupled modal analysis and a detailed structural assessment with ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS AQWA for diffraction analyses. The ability to run parameterized simulations allows us to run integrated optimizations with the goals defined by our clients.

Integrated or Multidisciplinary Optimization (MDO) is a design philosophy, which considers the component design of moorings, substructure, tower and controller simultaneously. We see this as a breakthrough methodology in order to make Floating Wind a sustainable and cost-efficient technology. MDO is not only a promising method for designers of turbines and substructures, but also for other stakeholders like developers and operators, helping them to understand design tradeoffs and optimize overall efficiency. 


The sowento FOWT optimization suite includes:

  • Streamlined design, considering constraints of manufacturing, transport, installation, and marine operations
  • Holistic optimization, ensuring that coupling effects are considered
  • Effective tool chain, covering global loads but resolving also component loads for an integrated ULS and FLS assessment.
  • Controls co-design, using automated design algorithms that ensure that the controller automatically adapts to design changes

Get in touch with us to learn more about our fast nonlinear fully parametrized simulation model and how it can support you in your floating wind project.

Contact us for your specific request

sowento experts are available to discuss your specific request and tailor our service offer to your needs. Continuously, we expand our knowhow to be able to provide every project with the best mix of expert knowledge and industrial experience.
Get in touch with Steffen to discuss your needs.

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